-* Copyright (c) 2003-2008, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Author: Alan Liu
#include "tz2icu.h"
#include "unicode/uversion.h"
-#define USE64BITDATA
using namespace std;
+bool ICU44PLUS = TRUE;
// Time utilities
* Read the zoneinfo file structure (see tzfile.h) into a ZoneInfo
* @param file an already-open file stream
-void readzoneinfo(ifstream& file, ZoneInfo& info, bool is64bitData=false) {
+void readzoneinfo(ifstream& file, ZoneInfo& info, bool is64bitData) {
int32_t i;
// Check for TZ_ICU_MAGIC signature at file start. If we get a
// skip additional Olson byte version
file.read(buf, 1);
- // if '\0', we have just one copy of data, if '2', there is additional
+ // if '\0', we have just one copy of data, if '2' or '3', there is additional
// 64 bit version at the end.
- if(buf[0]!=0 && buf[0]!='2') {
+ if(buf[0]!=0 && buf[0]!='2' && buf[0]!='3') {
throw invalid_argument("Bad Olson version info");
// Build transitions vector out of corresponding times and types.
bool insertInitial = false;
- if (is64bitData) {
+ if (is64bitData && !ICU44PLUS) {
if (timecnt > 0) {
int32_t minidx = -1;
for (i=0; i<timecnt; ++i) {
} else {
- initialTypeIdx = 0;
+ initialTypeIdx = 0;
assert(initialTypeIdx >= 0);
// Add the initial type associated with the lowest int32 time
throw invalid_argument("can't open file");
+ // eat 32bit data part
ZoneInfo info;
- readzoneinfo(file, info);
+ readzoneinfo(file, info, false);
// Check for errors
if (!file) {
throw invalid_argument("read error");
-#ifdef USE64BITDATA
+ // we only use 64bit part
ZoneInfo info64;
readzoneinfo(file, info64, true);
ZONEINFO[id] = info64;
- // Check eof-relative pos (there may be a cleaner way to do this)
- int64_t eofPos = (int64_t) file.tellg();
- char buf[32];
- file.read(buf, 4);
- file.seekg(0, ios::end);
- eofPos = eofPos - (int64_t) file.tellg();
- if (eofPos) {
- // 2006c merged 32 and 64 bit versions in a fat binary
- // 64 version starts at the end of 32 bit version.
- // Therefore, if the file is *not* consumed, check
- // if it is maybe being restarted.
- if (strncmp(buf, TZ_ICU_MAGIC, 4) != 0) {
- ostringstream os;
- os << (-eofPos) << " unprocessed bytes at end";
- throw invalid_argument(os.str());
- }
- }
- ZONEINFO[id] = info;
<< " and rule ID " << ruleid;
throw invalid_argument(os.str());
- if (year < 1900 || year >= 2050) {
+ if (year < 1900) {
ostringstream os;
os << "Invalid input year " << year
<< " with offset " << offset
if (mode != DOM && (dow < 0 || dow >= 7)) {
os << "Invalid input day of week " << dow;
- if (offset < 0 || offset > HOUR) {
+ if (offset < 0 || offset > (2 * HOUR)) {
os << "Invalid input offset " << offset;
if (isgmt && !isstd) {
void ZoneInfo::print(ostream& os, const string& id) const {
// Implement compressed format #2:
os << " /* " << id << " */ ";
if (aliasTo >= 0) {
- os << ":array {" << endl;
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ os << ":table {" << endl;
+ } else {
+ os << ":array {" << endl;
+ }
vector<Transition>::const_iterator trn;
vector<ZoneType>::const_iterator typ;
- bool first=true;
- os << " :intvector { ";
- for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
- if (!first) os << ", ";
- first = false;
- os << trn->time;
+ bool first;
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ trn = transitions.begin();
+ // pre 32bit transitions
+ if (trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < LOWEST_TIME32) {
+ os << " transPre32:intvector { ";
+ for (first = true; trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < LOWEST_TIME32; ++trn) {
+ if (!first) {
+ os<< ", ";
+ }
+ first = false;
+ os << (int32_t)(trn->time >> 32) << ", " << (int32_t)(trn->time & 0x00000000ffffffff);
+ }
+ os << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ // 32bit transtions
+ if (trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < HIGHEST_TIME32) {
+ os << " trans:intvector { ";
+ for (first = true; trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < HIGHEST_TIME32; ++trn) {
+ if (!first) {
+ os << ", ";
+ }
+ first = false;
+ os << trn->time;
+ }
+ os << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ // post 32bit transitons
+ if (trn != transitions.end()) {
+ os << " transPost32:intvector { ";
+ for (first = true; trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
+ if (!first) {
+ os<< ", ";
+ }
+ first = false;
+ os << (int32_t)(trn->time >> 32) << ", " << (int32_t)(trn->time & 0x00000000ffffffff);
+ }
+ os << " }" << endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ os << " :intvector { ";
+ for (trn = transitions.begin(), first = true; trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
+ if (!first) os << ", ";
+ first = false;
+ os << trn->time;
+ }
+ os << " }" << endl;
- os << " }" << endl;
- os << " :intvector { ";
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ os << " typeOffsets:intvector { ";
+ } else {
+ os << " :intvector { ";
+ }
for (typ = types.begin(); typ != types.end(); ++typ) {
if (!first) os << ", ";
first = false;
os << " }" << endl;
- os << " :bin { \"" << hex << setfill('0');
- for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
- os << setw(2) << trn->type;
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ if (transitions.size() != 0) {
+ os << " typeMap:bin { \"" << hex << setfill('0');
+ for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
+ os << setw(2) << trn->type;
+ }
+ os << dec << "\" }" << endl;
+ }
+ } else {
+ os << " :bin { \"" << hex << setfill('0');
+ for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
+ os << setw(2) << trn->type;
+ }
+ os << dec << "\" }" << endl;
- os << dec << "\" }" << endl;
// Final zone info, if any
if (finalYear != -1) {
- os << " \"" << finalRuleID << "\"" << endl;
- os << " :intvector { " << finalOffset << ", "
- << finalYear << " }" << endl;
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ os << " finalRule { \"" << finalRuleID << "\" }" << endl;
+ os << " finalRaw:int { " << finalOffset << " }" << endl;
+ os << " finalYear:int { " << finalYear << " }" << endl;
+ } else {
+ os << " \"" << finalRuleID << "\"" << endl;
+ os << " :intvector { " << finalOffset << ", "
+ << finalYear << " }" << endl;
+ }
// Alias list, if any
if (aliases.size() != 0) {
first = true;
- os << " :intvector { ";
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ os << " links:intvector { ";
+ } else {
+ os << " :intvector { ";
+ }
for (set<int32_t>::const_iterator i=aliases.begin(); i!=aliases.end(); ++i) {
if (!first) os << ", ";
first = false;
for (ZoneMapIter it = zoneinfo.begin();
it != zoneinfo.end();
++it) {
- if(c) os << ",";
+ if(c && !ICU44PLUS) os << ",";
it->second.print(os, it->first);
os << "//Z#" << c++ << endl;
if (aliasTo >= 0) return; // Nothing to do for aliases
- // If there are zero transitions and one type, then leave that as-is.
- if (transitions.size() == 0) {
- if (types.size() != 1) {
- cerr << "Error: transition count = 0, type count = " << types.size() << endl;
+ if (!ICU44PLUS) {
+ // This is the old logic which has a bug, which occasionally removes
+ // the type before the first transition. The problem was fixed
+ // by inserting the dummy transition indirectly.
+ // If there are zero transitions and one type, then leave that as-is.
+ if (transitions.size() == 0) {
+ if (types.size() != 1) {
+ cerr << "Error: transition count = 0, type count = " << types.size() << endl;
+ }
+ return;
- return;
- }
- set<SimplifiedZoneType> simpleset;
- for (vector<Transition>::const_iterator i=transitions.begin();
- i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
- assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
- simpleset.insert(types[i->type]);
- }
+ set<SimplifiedZoneType> simpleset;
+ for (vector<Transition>::const_iterator i=transitions.begin();
+ i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
+ assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
+ simpleset.insert(types[i->type]);
+ }
- // Map types to integer indices
- map<SimplifiedZoneType,int32_t> simplemap;
- int32_t n=0;
- for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin();
- i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
- simplemap[*i] = n++;
- }
+ // Map types to integer indices
+ map<SimplifiedZoneType,int32_t> simplemap;
+ int32_t n=0;
+ for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin();
+ i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
+ simplemap[*i] = n++;
+ }
+ // Remap transitions
+ for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin();
+ i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
+ assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
+ ZoneType oldtype = types[i->type];
+ SimplifiedZoneType newtype(oldtype);
+ assert(simplemap.find(newtype) != simplemap.end());
+ i->type = simplemap[newtype];
+ }
- // Remap transitions
- for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin();
- i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
- assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
- ZoneType oldtype = types[i->type];
- SimplifiedZoneType newtype(oldtype);
- assert(simplemap.find(newtype) != simplemap.end());
- i->type = simplemap[newtype];
+ // Replace type list
+ types.clear();
+ copy(simpleset.begin(), simpleset.end(), back_inserter(types));
+ } else {
+ if (types.size() > 1) {
+ // Note: localtime uses the very first non-dst type as initial offsets.
+ // If all types are DSTs, the very first type is treated as the initial offsets.
+ // Decide a type used as the initial offsets. ICU put the type at index 0.
+ ZoneType initialType = types[0];
+ for (vector<ZoneType>::const_iterator i=types.begin(); i!=types.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->dstoffset == 0) {
+ initialType = *i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SimplifiedZoneType initialSimplifiedType(initialType);
+ // create a set of unique types, but ignoring fields which we're not interested in
+ set<SimplifiedZoneType> simpleset;
+ simpleset.insert(initialSimplifiedType);
+ for (vector<Transition>::const_iterator i=transitions.begin(); i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
+ assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
+ simpleset.insert(types[i->type]);
+ }
+ // Map types to integer indices, however, keeping the first type at offset 0
+ map<SimplifiedZoneType,int32_t> simplemap;
+ simplemap[initialSimplifiedType] = 0;
+ int32_t n = 1;
+ for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin(); i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
+ if (*i < initialSimplifiedType || initialSimplifiedType < *i) {
+ simplemap[*i] = n++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remap transitions
+ for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin();
+ i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
+ assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
+ ZoneType oldtype = types[i->type];
+ SimplifiedZoneType newtype(oldtype);
+ assert(simplemap.find(newtype) != simplemap.end());
+ i->type = simplemap[newtype];
+ }
+ // Replace type list
+ types.clear();
+ types.push_back(initialSimplifiedType);
+ for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin(); i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
+ if (*i < initialSimplifiedType || initialSimplifiedType < *i) {
+ types.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reiterating transitions to remove any transitions which
+ // do not actually change the raw/dst offsets
+ int32_t prevTypeIdx = 0;
+ for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin(); i!=transitions.end();) {
+ if (i->type == prevTypeIdx) {
+ // this is not a time transition, probably just name change
+ // e.g. America/Resolute after 2006 in 2010b
+ transitions.erase(i);
+ } else {
+ prevTypeIdx = i->type;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Replace type list
- types.clear();
- copy(simpleset.begin(), simpleset.end(), back_inserter(types));
void ZoneInfo::mergeFinalData(const FinalZone& fz) {
int32_t year = fz.year;
int64_t seconds = yearToSeconds(year);
+ if (!ICU44PLUS) {
+ if (seconds > HIGHEST_TIME32) {
+ // Avoid transitions beyond signed 32bit max second.
+ // This may result incorrect offset computation around
+ // HIGHEST_TIME32. This is a limitation of ICU
+ // before 4.4.
+ seconds = HIGHEST_TIME32;
+ }
+ }
vector<Transition>::iterator it =
find_if(transitions.begin(), transitions.end(),
bind2nd(ptr_fun(isAfter), seconds));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
string rootpath, zonetab, version;
+ bool validArgs = FALSE;
- if (argc != 4) {
- cout << "Usage: tz2icu <dir> <cmap> <vers>" << endl
- << " <dir> path to zoneinfo file tree generated by" << endl
- << " ICU-patched version of zic" << endl
- << " <cmap> country map, from tzdata archive," << endl
- << " typically named \"zone.tab\"" << endl
- << " <vers> version string, such as \"2003e\"" << endl;
- exit(1);
- } else {
+ if (argc == 4 || argc == 5) {
+ validArgs = TRUE;
rootpath = argv[1];
zonetab = argv[2];
version = argv[3];
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[4], "--old") == 0) {
+ } else {
+ validArgs = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validArgs) {
+ cout << "Usage: tz2icu <dir> <cmap> <tzver> [--old]" << endl
+ << " <dir> path to zoneinfo file tree generated by" << endl
+ << " ICU-patched version of zic" << endl
+ << " <cmap> country map, from tzdata archive," << endl
+ << " typically named \"zone.tab\"" << endl
+ << " <tzver> version string, such as \"2003e\"" << endl
+ << " --old generating resource format before ICU4.4" << endl;
+ exit(1);
cout << "Olson data version: " << version << endl;
+ cout << "ICU 4.4+ format: " << (ICU44PLUS ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
try {
ifstream finals(ICU_ZONE_FILE);
return 1;
-//# Note: We no longer use tz.alias to define alias for legacy ICU time zones.
-//# The contents of tz.alias were migrated into zic source format and
-//# processed by zic as 'Link'.
-#if 0
- // Read the legacy alias list and process it. Treat the legacy mappings
- // like links, but also record them in the "legacy" hash.
- try {
- ifstream aliases(ICU_TZ_ALIAS);
- if (!aliases) {
- cerr << "Error: Unable to open " ICU_TZ_ALIAS << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- int32_t n = 0;
- string line;
- while (getline(aliases, line)) {
- string::size_type lb = line.find('#');
- if (lb != string::npos) {
- line.resize(lb); // trim comments
- }
- vector<string> a;
- istringstream is(line);
- copy(istream_iterator<string>(is),istream_iterator<string>(),
- back_inserter(a));
- if (a.size() == 0) continue; // blank line
- if (a.size() != 2) {
- cerr << "Error: Can't parse \"" << line << "\" in "
- ICU_TZ_ALIAS << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- ++n;
- string alias(a[0]), olson(a[1]);
- if (links.find(alias) != links.end()) {
- cerr << "Error: Alias \"" << alias
- << "\" is an Olson zone in "
- ICU_TZ_ALIAS << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- if (reverseLinks.find(alias) != reverseLinks.end()) {
- cerr << "Error: Alias \"" << alias
- << "\" is an Olson link to \"" << reverseLinks[olson]
- << "\" in " << ICU_TZ_ALIAS << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- // Record source for error reporting
- if (linkSource.find(olson) == linkSource.end()) {
- linkSource[olson] = "ICU alias";
- }
- assert(linkSource.find(alias) == linkSource.end());
- linkSource[alias] = "ICU alias";
- links[olson].insert(alias);
- reverseLinks[alias] = olson;
- }
- cout << "Finished reading " << n
- << " aliases from " ICU_TZ_ALIAS << endl;
- } catch (const exception& error) {
- cerr << "Error: While reading " ICU_TZ_ALIAS ": " << error.what() << endl;
- return 1;
- }
try {
// Recursively scan all files below the given path, accumulating
// their data into ZONEINFO. All files must be TZif files. Any
// Create the country map
+ map<string, string> icuRegions; // ICU's custom zone -> country override
map<string, set<string> > countryMap; // country -> set of zones
map<string, string> reverseCountryMap; // zone -> country
+ try {
+ // Read icuregions file to collect ICU's own zone-region mapping data.
+ ifstream frg(ICU_REGIONS);
+ if (frg) {
+ string line;
+ while (getline(frg, line)) {
+ if (line[0] == '#') continue;
+ string zone, country;
+ istringstream is(line);
+ is >> zone >> country;
+ if (zone.size() == 0) continue;
+ if (country.size() < 2) {
+ cerr << "Error: Can't parse " << line << " in " << ICU_REGIONS << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ icuRegions[zone] = country;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cout << "No custom region map [icuregions]" << endl;
+ }
+ } catch (const exception& error) {
+ cerr << "Error: While reading " << ICU_REGIONS << ": " << error.what() << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
try {
ifstream f(zonetab.c_str());
if (!f) {
<< " in " << zonetab << endl;
return 1;
+ if (icuRegions.find(zone) != icuRegions.end()) {
+ // Custom override
+ string customCountry = icuRegions[zone];
+ cout << "Region Mapping: custom override for " << zone
+ << " " << country << " -> " << customCountry << endl;
+ country = customCountry;
+ }
reverseCountryMap[zone] = country;
//cerr << (n+1) << ": " << country << " <=> " << zone << endl;
return 1;
+ // Merge ICU's own zone-region mapping data
+ for (map<string,string>::const_iterator i = icuRegions.begin();
+ i != icuRegions.end(); ++i) {
+ const string& zid(i->first);
+ if (reverseCountryMap.find(zid) != reverseCountryMap.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ cout << "Region Mapping: custom data zone=" << zid
+ << ", region=" << i->second << endl;
+ reverseCountryMap[zid] = i->second;
+ countryMap[i->second].insert(zid);
+ }
// Merge ICU aliases into country map. Don't merge any alias
// that already has a country map, since that doesn't make sense.
// E.g. "Link Europe/Oslo Arctic/Longyearbyen" doesn't mean we
struct tm* now = localtime(&sec);
int32_t thisYear = now->tm_year + 1900;
+ string filename = TZ_RESOURCE_NAME + ".txt";
// Write out a resource-bundle source file containing data for
// all zones.
- ofstream file(ICU_TZ_RESOURCE ".txt");
+ ofstream file(filename.c_str());
if (file) {
file << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
<< "// Copyright (C) 2003";
file << ", International Business Machines" << endl
<< "// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved." << endl
<< "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
- << "// Build tool: tz2icu" << endl
- << "// Build date: " << asctime(now) /* << endl -- asctime emits CR */
- << "// Olson source: ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/" << endl
- << "// Olson version: " << version << endl
+ << "// Build tool: tz2icu" << endl
+ << "// Build date: " << asctime(now) /* << endl -- asctime emits CR */
+ << "// tz database: ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/" << endl
+ << "// tz version: " << version << endl
<< "// ICU version: " << U_ICU_VERSION << endl
<< "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
<< "// >> !!! >> THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE << !!! <<" << endl
<< "// >> !!! >>> DO NOT EDIT <<< !!! <<" << endl
<< "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
<< endl
- << ICU_TZ_RESOURCE ":table(nofallback) {" << endl
+ << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ":table(nofallback) {" << endl
<< " TZVersion { \"" << version << "\" }" << endl
<< " Zones:array { " << endl
<< ZONEINFO // Zones (the actual data)
file << " }" << endl;
- // Emit country (region) map. Emitting the string zone IDs results
- // in a 188 kb binary resource; emitting the zone index numbers
- // trims this to 171 kb. More work for the runtime code, but
- // a smaller data footprint.
- file << " Regions { " << endl;
- int32_t rc = 0;
- for (map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator i=countryMap.begin();
- i != countryMap.end(); ++i) {
- string country = i->first;
- const set<string>& zones(i->second);
- file << " ";
- if(country[0]==0) {
- file << "Default";
+ // Emit country (region) map.
+ if (ICU44PLUS) {
+ file << " Regions:array {" << endl;
+ int32_t zn = 0;
+ for (ZoneMap::iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
+ map<string, string>::iterator cit = reverseCountryMap.find(i->first);
+ if (cit == reverseCountryMap.end()) {
+ file << " \"001\",";
+ } else {
+ file << " \"" << cit->second << "\", ";
+ }
+ file << "//Z#" << zn++ << " " << i->first << endl;
- file << country << ":intvector { ";
- bool first = true;
- for (set<string>::const_iterator j=zones.begin();
- j != zones.end(); ++j) {
- if (!first) file << ", ";
- first = false;
- if (zoneIDs.find(*j) == zoneIDs.end()) {
- cerr << "Error: Nonexistent zone in country map: " << *j << endl;
- return 1;
+ file << " }" << endl;
+ } else {
+ file << " Regions { " << endl;
+ int32_t rc = 0;
+ for (map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator i=countryMap.begin();
+ i != countryMap.end(); ++i) {
+ string country = i->first;
+ const set<string>& zones(i->second);
+ file << " ";
+ if(country[0]==0) {
+ file << "Default";
+ }
+ file << country << ":intvector { ";
+ bool first = true;
+ for (set<string>::const_iterator j=zones.begin();
+ j != zones.end(); ++j) {
+ if (!first) file << ", ";
+ first = false;
+ if (zoneIDs.find(*j) == zoneIDs.end()) {
+ cerr << "Error: Nonexistent zone in country map: " << *j << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ file << zoneIDs[*j]; // emit the zone's index number
- file << zoneIDs[*j]; // emit the zone's index number
+ file << " } //R#" << rc++ << endl;
- file << " } //R#" << rc++ << endl;
+ file << " }" << endl;
- file << " }" << endl;
file << "}" << endl;
if (file) { // recheck error bit
- cout << "Finished writing " ICU_TZ_RESOURCE ".txt" << endl;
+ cout << "Finished writing " << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ".txt" << endl;
} else {
- cerr << "Error: Unable to open/write to " ICU_TZ_RESOURCE ".txt" << endl;
+ cerr << "Error: Unable to open/write to " << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ".txt" << endl;
return 1;
-#define ICU4J_TZ_CLASS "ZoneMetaData"
- // Write out a Java source file containing only a few pieces of
- // meta-data missing from the core JDK: the equivalency lists and
- // the country map.
- ofstream java(ICU4J_TZ_CLASS ".java");
- if (java) {
- java << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
- << "// Copyright (C) 2003";
- if (thisYear > 2003) {
- java << "-" << thisYear;
- }
- java << ", International Business Machines" << endl
- << "// Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved." << endl
- << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
- << "// Build tool: tz2icu" << endl
- << "// Build date: " << asctime(now) /* << endl -- asctime emits CR */
- << "// Olson source: ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/" << endl
- << "// Olson version: " << version << endl
- << "// ICU version: " << U_ICU_VERSION << endl
- << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
- << "// >> !!! >> THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE << !!! <<" << endl
- << "// >> !!! >>> DO NOT EDIT <<< !!! <<" << endl
- << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
- << endl
- << "package com.ibm.icu.impl;" << endl
- << endl
- << "public final class " ICU4J_TZ_CLASS " {" << endl;
- // Emit equivalency lists
- bool first1 = true;
- java << " public static final String VERSION = \"" + version + "\";" << endl;
- java << " public static final String[][] EQUIV = {" << endl;
- for (ZoneMap::const_iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->second.isAlias() || i->second.getAliases().size() == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!first1) java << "," << endl;
- first1 = false;
- // The ID of this zone (the canonical zone, to which the
- // aliases point) will be sorted into the list, so it
- // won't be at position 0. If we want to know which is
- // the canonical zone, we should move it to position 0.
- java << " { ";
- bool first2 = true;
- const set<int32_t>& s = i->second.getAliases();
- for (set<int32_t>::const_iterator j=s.begin(); j!=s.end(); ++j) {
- if (!first2) java << ", ";
- java << '"' << zoneIDlist[*j] << '"';
- first2 = false;
- }
- java << " }";
- }
- java << endl
- << " };" << endl;
- // Emit country map.
- first1 = true;
- java << " public static final String[][] COUNTRY = {" << endl;
- for (map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator i=countryMap.begin();
- i != countryMap.end(); ++i) {
- if (!first1) java << "," << endl;
- first1 = false;
- string country = i->first;
- const set<string>& zones(i->second);
- java << " { \"" << country << '"';
- for (set<string>::const_iterator j=zones.begin();
- j != zones.end(); ++j) {
- java << ", \"" << *j << '"';
- }
- java << " }";
- }
- java << endl
- << " };" << endl;
- java << "}" << endl;
- }
- java.close();
- if (java) { // recheck error bit
- cout << "Finished writing " ICU4J_TZ_CLASS ".java" << endl;
- } else {
- cerr << "Error: Unable to open/write to " ICU4J_TZ_CLASS ".java" << endl;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;