+// Currently Apple only for <rdar://problem/49159521>
+enum { kBBufMax = 128 };
+static const UChar* pat1 = u"#.##E+00;-#.##E+00";
+static void TestSciNotationRound(void) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UNumberFormat* unum = unum_open(UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL, NULL, 0, "en_US", NULL, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_data_err("unum_open UNUM_PATTERN_DECIMAL with null pattern for \"en_US\" fails with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ unum_applyPattern(unum, FALSE, pat1, u_strlen(pat1), NULL, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("unum_applyPattern fails with %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ double value;
+ UChar ubuf[kUBufMax];
+ char bbuf[kBBufMax];
+ int32_t ulen;
+ unum_setAttribute(unum, UNUM_ROUNDING_MODE, UNUM_ROUND_HALFUP);
+ unum_setAttribute(unum, UNUM_MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS, 0);
+ unum_setAttribute(unum, UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 50); // problem happens at 15 or more
+ for (value = 10000000000000000000000.0; value < 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0; value *= 10.0) {
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulen = unum_formatDouble(unum, value, ubuf, kUBufMax, NULL, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ printf("unum_formatDouble value %.1f status %s\n", value, u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strncmp(ubuf,u"1E+",3) != 0) {
+ u_strToUTF8(bbuf, kBBufMax, NULL, ubuf, ulen, &status);
+ log_err("unum_formatDouble value %.1f expected result to begin with 1E+, got %s\n", value, bbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unum_close(unum);
+ }