1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 AuxExemplarCharacters{"[]"}
11 word-medial{"{0} … {1}"}
14 "[a {ai} {au} b c d {dz} e f g h i j k {kh} l m n {ng} {ngg} {ny} o p q r s {"
15 "sy} t {ts} u {ua} v w x y z]"
17 ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
18 ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[\\- , . % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]"}
19 ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{
20 "[\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ \u0022 “ ” ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡ ′ "
32 accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
33 currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
34 decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
35 percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
36 scientificFormat{"#E0"}
167 superscriptingExponent{"×"}
173 one{"Ambil belokan kanan yang pertama."}
174 other{"Ambil belokan kanan yang ke-{0}."}
180 minimumGroupingDigits{"1"}
572 GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
592 yyyyMEd{"E, d/M/y G"}
594 yyyyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
596 yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
627 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
628 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
641 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
652 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
668 M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
669 d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
670 y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
677 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"}
678 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"}
679 y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G"}
683 y{"MMMM y – MMMM y G"}
686 M{"d MMM – d MMM, y G"}
688 y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"}
742 GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
754 other{"'week' W 'of' MMM"}
778 other{"'week' w 'of' Y"}
862 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
864 morning1{"tengah malam"}
869 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
871 morning1{"tengah malam"}
876 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
878 morning1{"tengah malam"}
885 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
888 morning1{"tengah malam"}
894 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
897 morning1{"tengah malam"}
903 afternoon1{"tengah hari"}
906 morning1{"tengah malam"}
953 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
954 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
967 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
978 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
994 M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
995 d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
996 y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
1003 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y"}
1004 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y"}
1005 y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y"}
1009 y{"MMMM y – MMMM y"}
1012 M{"d MMM – d MMM, y"}
1014 y{"d MMM y – d MMM y"}
1176 GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
1189 yyyyMEd{"E, d/M/y G"}
1191 yyyyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
1192 yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
1193 yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
1196 yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
1228 M{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
1229 d{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
1235 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
1236 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
1249 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
1255 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"}
1260 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
1276 M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
1277 d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
1278 y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y G"}
1282 y{"MMM y – MMM y G"}
1285 M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"}
1286 d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM, y G"}
1287 y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G"}
1291 y{"MMMM y – MMMM y G"}
1294 M{"d MMM – d MMM, y G"}
1296 y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"}
1299 M{"d/M/y – d/M/y G"}
1300 d{"d/M/y – d/M/y G"}
1301 y{"d/M/y – d/M/y G"}
1757 activities{"Aktiviti"}
1758 african_scripts{"Skrip Afrika"}
1759 american_scripts{"Skrip Amerika"}
1761 animals_nature{"Haiwan & Alam Semula Jadi"}
1762 arrows{"Anak Panah"}
1764 box_drawing{"Lukisan Kotak"}
1766 building{"bangunan"}
1767 bullets_stars{"Bulet/Bintang"}
1768 consonantal_jamo{"consonantal jamo"}
1769 currency_symbols{"Simbol Mata Wang"}
1770 dash_connector{"Sempang/Penyambung"}
1773 divination_symbols{"Simbol Tilikan"}
1774 downwards_arrows{"Anak Panah Bawah"}
1775 downwards_upwards_arrows{"Anak Panah Bawah Atas"}
1776 east_asian_scripts{"Skrip Asia Timur"}
1778 european_scripts{"Skrip Eropah"}
1782 food_drink{"Makanan & Minuman"}
1784 format_whitespace{"Format & Ruang Putih"}
1785 full_width_form_variant{"Varian Bentuk Lebar Penuh"}
1786 geometric_shapes{"Bentuk Geometri"}
1787 half_width_form_variant{"Varian Bentuk Lebar Separa"}
1788 han_characters{"Aksara Han"}
1789 han_radicals{"Radikal Han"}
1791 hanzi_simplified{"Hanzi (mudah)"}
1792 hanzi_traditional{"Hanzi (Tradisional)"}
1794 historic_scripts{"Skrip Lama"}
1795 ideographic_desc_characters{"Aksara Unsur Ideografi"}
1796 japanese_kana{"Kana Jepun"}
1800 leftwards_arrows{"anak panah ke kiri"}
1801 leftwards_rightwards_arrows{"anak panah ke kiri dan ke kanan"}
1802 letterlike_symbols{"Simbol Ala Huruf"}
1803 limited_use{"Kegunaan Terhad"}
1805 math_symbols{"Simbol Matematik"}
1806 middle_eastern_scripts{"Tulisan Timur Tengah"}
1807 miscellaneous{"Pelbagai"}
1808 modern_scripts{"Tulisan Moden"}
1809 modifier{"Pengubahsuai"}
1810 musical_symbols{"Simbol Muzikal"}
1811 nature{"alam semula jadi"}
1812 nonspacing{"Tanpa ruang"}
1816 paired{"Bergandingan"}
1818 phonetic_alphabet{"Huruf Fonetik"}
1819 pictographs{"Piktograf"}
1821 plant{"tumbuh-tumbuhan"}
1822 punctuation{"Tanda baca"}
1823 rightwards_arrows{"anak panah ke kanan"}
1824 sign_standard_symbols{"Simbol Isyarat/Standard"}
1825 small_form_variant{"Varian Huruf Kecil"}
1827 smileys_people{"smiley atau manusia"}
1828 south_asian_scripts{"Tulisan Asia Selatan"}
1829 southeast_asian_scripts{"Tulisan Asia Tenggara"}
1833 technical_symbols{"Simbol Teknikal"}
1834 tone_marks{"Tanda Nadaan"}
1835 travel{"perjalanan"}
1836 travel_places{"pelancongan atau tempat"}
1837 upwards_arrows{"anak panah ke atas"}
1838 variant_forms{"Bentuk Varian"}
1839 vocalic_jamo{"Jamo Vokal"}
1841 western_asian_scripts{"Tiulisan Asia Barat"}
1842 whitespace{"Ruang putih"}
1845 alternateQuotationEnd{"’"}
1846 alternateQuotationStart{"‘"}
1862 other{"dalam {0} hari"}
1865 other{"{0} hari lalu"}
1880 other{"dlm {0} hari"}
1883 other{"{0} hari lalu"}
1898 other{"dlm {0} hari"}
1901 other{"{0} hari lalu"}
1940 other{"pada {0} Jumaat"}
1943 other{"{0} Jumaat lalu"}
1958 other{"{0} Jum lalu"}
1970 other{"pada {0} Jum"}
1973 other{"{0} Jum lalu"}
1984 other{"dalam {0} jam"}
1987 other{"{0} jam lalu"}
1998 other{"dlm {0} jam"}
2001 other{"{0} jam lalu"}
2012 other{"dlm {0} jam"}
2015 other{"{0} jam lalu"}
2022 "0"{"pada minit ini"}
2026 other{"dalam {0} minit"}
2029 other{"{0} minit lalu"}
2037 other{"dlm {0} min"}
2040 other{"{0} min lalu"}
2048 other{"dlm {0} min"}
2051 other{"{0} min lalu"}
2063 other{"pada {0} Isnin"}
2066 other{"{0} Isnin lalu"}
2081 other{"{0} Isn lalu"}
2093 other{"pada {0} Isn"}
2096 other{"{0} Isn lalu"}
2109 other{"dalam {0} bulan"}
2112 other{"{0} bulan lalu"}
2125 other{"dlm {0} bln"}
2128 other{"{0} bulan lalu"}
2141 other{"dlm {0} bln"}
2144 other{"{0} bln lalu"}
2151 "-1"{"suku tahun lalu"}
2152 "0"{"suku tahun ini"}
2153 "1"{"suku tahun seterusnya"}
2157 other{"dalam {0} suku tahun"}
2160 other{"{0} suku tahun lalu"}
2169 "1"{"suku seterusnya"}
2173 other{"dlm {0} suku thn"}
2176 other{"{0} suku thn lalu"}
2185 "1"{"suku seterusnya"}
2189 other{"dlm {0} suku thn"}
2192 other{"{0} suku thn lalu"}
2204 other{"pada {0} Sabtu"}
2207 other{"{0} Sabtu lalu"}
2219 other{"pada {0} Sab"}
2222 other{"{0} Sab lalu"}
2234 other{"pada {0} Sab"}
2237 other{"{0} Sab lalu"}
2248 other{"dalam {0} saat"}
2251 other{"{0} saat lalu"}
2262 other{"dlm {0} saat"}
2265 other{"{0} saat lalu"}
2276 other{"dlm {0} saat"}
2279 other{"{0} saat lalu"}
2291 other{"pada {0} Ahad"}
2294 other{"{0} Ahad lalu"}
2309 other{"{0} Ahd lalu"}
2321 other{"pada {0} Ahd"}
2324 other{"{0} Ahd lalu"}
2336 other{"pada {0} Khamis"}
2339 other{"{0} Khamis lalu"}
2351 other{"pada {0} Kha"}
2354 other{"{0} Kha lalu"}
2366 other{"pada {0} Kha"}
2369 other{"{0} Kha lalu"}
2381 other{"pada {0} Selasa"}
2384 other{"{0} Selasa lalu"}
2396 other{"pada {0} Sel"}
2399 other{"{0} Sel lalu"}
2411 other{"pada {0} Sel"}
2414 other{"{0} Sel lalu"}
2426 other{"pada {0} Rabu"}
2429 other{"{0} Rabu lalu"}
2444 other{"{0} Rab lalu"}
2456 other{"pada {0} Rab"}
2459 other{"{0} Rab lalu"}
2470 relativePeriod{"minggu ke-{0}"}
2473 other{"dalam {0} minggu"}
2476 other{"{0} minggu lalu"}
2487 relativePeriod{"minggu ke-{0}"}
2490 other{"dlm {0} mgu"}
2493 other{"{0} mgu lalu"}
2504 relativePeriod{"minggu ke-{0}"}
2507 other{"dlm {0} mgu"}
2510 other{"{0} mgu lalu"}
2524 dn{"Hari dalam Minggu"}
2527 dn{"Hari dalam Minggu"}
2530 dn{"Hari dalam Minggu"}
2533 dn{"Weekday Of Month"}
2535 weekdayOfMonth-narrow{
2536 dn{"Weekday Of Month"}
2538 weekdayOfMonth-short{
2539 dn{"Weekday Of Month"}
2550 other{"dalam {0} tahun"}
2553 other{"{0} tahun lalu"}
2566 other{"dalam {0} thn"}
2569 other{"{0} thn lalu"}
2582 other{"dalam {0} thn"}
2585 other{"{0} thn lalu"}
2602 end{"{0}, atau {1}"}
2637 measurementSystemNames{