- * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <sys/attr.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_format.h>
#include <hfs/hfs_mount.h>
+#include <err.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <syslog.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
+ * CommonCrypto provides a more stable API than OpenSSL guarantees;
+ * the #define causes it to use the same API for MD5 and SHA1, so the rest of
+ * the code need not change.
+ */
+#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
-#include <architecture/byte_order.h>
+#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
+#include <System/uuid/namespace.h>
#ifndef FSUC_ADOPT
#define FSUC_UNJNL 'U'
+#define FSUC_UNJNL_RAW 'N'
+#define FSUC_JNLINFS_RAW 'e'
+#define FSUC_EXTJNL_RAW 'E'
#define FSUC_JNLINFO 'I'
/* **************************************** L O C A L S ******************************************* */
+#define kHFSPlusMaxFileNameBytes (3 * 255 + 1) /* 255 unicode characters, plus 1 NUL byte */
#define HFS_BLOCK_SIZE 512
char gHFS_FS_NAME[] = "hfs";
-struct FinderAttrBuf {
- unsigned long info_length;
- unsigned long finderinfo[8];
+typedef struct FinderAttrBuf {
+ u_int32_t info_length;
+ u_int32_t finderinfo[8];
+} FinderAttrBuf_t;
+/* For requesting the UUID from the FS */
+typedef struct UUIDAttrBuf {
+ uint32_t info_length;
+ uuid_t uu;
+} UUIDAttrBuf_t;
+/* HFS+ internal representation of UUID */
+typedef struct hfs_UUID {
+ uint32_t high;
+ uint32_t low;
+} hfs_UUID_t;
+/* an actual UUID */
+typedef struct volUUID {
+ uuid_t uuid;
+} volUUID_t;
-typedef union VolumeUUID {
- unsigned long value[VOLUMEUUIDVALUESIZE];
- struct {
- unsigned long high;
- unsigned long low;
- } v;
-} VolumeUUID;
-typedef char VolumeUUIDString[VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH+1];
#define VOLUME_RECORDED 0x80000000
#define VOLUME_USEPERMISSIONS 0x00000001
typedef void *VolumeStatusDBHandle;
-void GenerateVolumeUUID(VolumeUUID *newVolumeID);
-void ConvertVolumeUUIDStringToUUID(const char *UUIDString, VolumeUUID *volumeID);
-void ConvertVolumeUUIDToString(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDString);
+/* UUID generation and conversion functions */
+void GenerateHFSVolumeUUID(hfs_UUID_t *hfsuu);
+void ConvertHFSUUIDStringToUUID (const char* UUIDString, volUUID_t *volid);
+void ConvertHFSUUIDToUUID (hfs_UUID_t *hfsuuid, volUUID_t *uu);
+ * Volume Database manipulation routines
+ * These functions MUST manipulate the VSDB in the same way that vsdbutil does
+ */
+int ConvertVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle);
int OpenVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle *DBHandlePtr);
-int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus);
-int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus);
-int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID);
+int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus);
+int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus);
+int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID);
int CloseVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle);
/* ************************************ P R O T O T Y P E S *************************************** */
static void DoDisplayUsage( const char * argv[] );
-static int DoMount( char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char * theMountPointPtr, boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev );
-static int DoProbe( char * theDeviceNamePtr );
+static int DoMount( char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, const char * theMountPointPtr,
+ boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev );
+static int DoProbe( char * rawDeviceNamePtr, char * blockDeviceNamePtr );
static int DoUnmount( const char * theMountPointPtr );
-static int DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
+static int DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName );
static int DoChangeUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
-static int DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
-static int DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr );
+static int DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName);
+static int DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName);
extern int DoMakeJournaled( const char * volNamePtr, int journalSize ); // XXXdbg
extern int DoUnJournal( const char * volNamePtr ); // XXXdbg
extern int DoGetJournalInfo( const char * volNamePtr );
+extern int RawDisableJournaling( const char *devname );
+extern int SetJournalInFSState( const char *devname, int journal_in_fs);
static int ParseArgs( int argc, const char * argv[], const char ** actionPtr, const char ** mountPointPtr, boolean_t * isEjectablePtr, boolean_t * isLockedPtr, boolean_t * isSetuidPtr, boolean_t * isDevPtr );
static int GetHFSMountPoint(const char *deviceNamePtr, char **pathPtr);
-static int ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufptr, off_t *startOffset, VolumeUUID **finderInfoUUIDPtr);
-static int GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
-static int GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
-static int GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr, boolean_t generate);
-static int SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
-static int SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
-static int SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr);
+/* Helper functions for manipulating HFS and full UUIDs */
+static int ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufptr, off_t *startOffset, hfs_UUID_t **finderInfoUUIDPtr);
+static int GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, volUUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr);
+static int GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, volUUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr);
+static int GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, volUUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr, boolean_t generate);
+static int SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, hfs_UUID_t *hfsuu);
+static int SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, hfs_UUID_t *hfsuu);
+static int SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, hfs_UUID_t *hfsuu);
static int GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr, off_t * startOffsetPtr);
-static int GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, char * name_o);
+static int GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, unsigned char * name_o);
static int GetBTreeNodeInfo(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, u_int32_t blockSize,
u_int32_t extentCount, const HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *extentList,
u_int32_t *nodeSize, u_int32_t *firstLeafNode);
CF_EXPORT Boolean _CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(CFStringRef string, UInt8 *buffer, CFIndex maxBufLen);
+static void uuid_create_md5_from_name(uuid_t result_uuid, const uuid_t namespace, const void *name, int namelen);
* The fuction CFStringGetSystemEncoding does not work correctly in
* our context (autodiskmount deamon). We include a local copy here
char buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
int fd;
- strcpy(buffer, passwdp->pw_dir);
- strcat(buffer, __kCFUserEncodingFileName);
+ strlcpy(buffer, passwdp->pw_dir, sizeof(buffer));
+ strlcat(buffer, __kCFUserEncodingFileName, sizeof(buffer));
if ((fd = open(buffer, O_RDONLY, 0)) > 0) {
- size_t readSize;
+ ssize_t readSize;
readSize = read(fd, buffer, MAXPATHLEN);
buffer[(readSize < 0 ? 0 : readSize)] = '\0';
#define KEXT_LOAD_COMMAND "/sbin/kextload"
-#define ENCODING_MODULE_PATH "/System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Encodings/"
+#define ENCODING_MODULE_PATH "/System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/Encodings/"
static int load_encoding(CFStringEncoding encoding)
- sprintf(kmodfile, "%sHFS_Mac%s.kext", ENCODING_MODULE_PATH, encodingName);
+ snprintf(kmodfile, sizeof(kmodfile), "%sHFS_Mac%s.kext", ENCODING_MODULE_PATH, encodingName);
if (stat(kmodfile, &sb) == -1)
/* We recognized the encoding, but couldn't find the KEXT */
-- "/dev/disk0s2"
- sprintf(rawDeviceName, "/dev/r%s", argv[2]);
- sprintf(blockDeviceName, "/dev/%s", argv[2]);
+ snprintf(rawDeviceName, sizeof(rawDeviceName), "/dev/r%s", argv[2]);
+ snprintf(blockDeviceName, sizeof(blockDeviceName), "/dev/%s", argv[2]);
/* call the appropriate routine to handle the given action argument after becoming root */
switch( * actionPtr ) {
- result = DoProbe(rawDeviceName);
+ result = DoProbe(rawDeviceName, blockDeviceName);
- result = DoMount(blockDeviceName, mountPointPtr, isLocked, isSetuid, isDev);
+ result = DoMount(blockDeviceName, rawDeviceName, mountPointPtr, isLocked, isSetuid, isDev);
result = DoUnmount( mountPointPtr );
- result = DoGetUUIDKey( blockDeviceName );
+ result = DoGetUUIDKey( blockDeviceName, rawDeviceName);
result = DoChangeUUIDKey( blockDeviceName );
- result = DoAdopt( blockDeviceName );
+ result = DoAdopt( blockDeviceName, rawDeviceName);
- result = DoDisown( blockDeviceName );
+ result = DoDisown( blockDeviceName, rawDeviceName );
result = DoUnJournal( argv[2] );
+ result = RawDisableJournaling( argv[2] );
+ break;
+ // argv[2] has the device for the external journal. however
+ // we don't need it so we ignore it and just pass argv[3]
+ // which is the hfs volume whose state we're going to change
+ //
+ result = SetJournalInFSState( argv[3], 1 );
+ break;
+ // see the comment for FSUC_JNLINFS_RAW
+ result = SetJournalInFSState( argv[3], 0 );
+ break;
result = DoGetJournalInfo( argv[2] );
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS everything is cool else one of several other FSUR_xyz error codes.
*********************************************************************** */
static int
-DoMount(char *deviceNamePtr, const char *mountPointPtr, boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev)
+DoMount(char *deviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, const char *mountPointPtr,
+ boolean_t isLocked, boolean_t isSetuid, boolean_t isDev)
int pid;
char *isLockedstr;
union wait status;
char encodeopt[16] = "";
CFStringEncoding encoding;
- VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
+ volUUID_t targetVolUUID;
VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;
/* get the volume UUID to check if permissions should be used: */
targetVolumeStatus = 0;
- if (((result = GetVolumeUUID(deviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, FALSE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) ||
- (targetVolumeUUID.v.high ==0) ||
- (targetVolumeUUID.v.low == 0)) {
+ if (((result = GetVolumeUUID(deviceNamePtr, rawName, &targetVolUUID, FALSE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) ||
+ (uuid_is_null(targetVolUUID.uuid))) {
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: GetVolumeUUID returned %d.\n", result);
if (gIsEjectable == 0) {
- result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr );
+ result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr, rawName);
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Auto-adopting %s; result = %d.\n", deviceNamePtr, result);
} else {
/* We've got a real volume UUID! */
- fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: UUID = %08lX%08lX.\n", targetVolumeUUID.v.high, targetVolumeUUID.v.low);
if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) {
/* Can't even get access to the volume info db; assume permissions are OK. */
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Looking up volume status...\n");
- if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
+ if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: GetVolumeStatusDBEntry returned %d.\n", result);
if (gIsEjectable == 0) {
- result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr );
+ result = DoAdopt( deviceNamePtr, rawName );
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: DoMount: Auto-adopting %s; result = %d.\n", deviceNamePtr, result);
encoding = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
- sprintf(encodeopt, "-e=%d", (int)encoding);
+ snprintf(encodeopt, sizeof(encodeopt), "-e=%d", (int)encoding);
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: %s %s -o -x -o %s -o %s -o -u=unknown,-g=unknown,-m=0777 -t %s %s %s ...\n",
gMountCommand, isLockedstr, encodeopt, permissionsOption, gHFS_FS_NAME, deviceNamePtr, mountPointPtr);
"-t", gHFS_FS_NAME, deviceNamePtr, mountPointPtr, NULL);
return (FSUR_IO_FAIL);
} /* DoUnmount */
+ PrintVolumeNameAttr
+ Get the volume name of the volume mounted at "path". Print that volume
+ name to standard out.
+struct VolumeNameBuf {
+ u_int32_t info_length;
+ attrreference_t name_ref;
+ char buffer[1024];
+static int
+PrintVolumeNameAttr(const char *path)
+ struct attrlist alist;
+ struct VolumeNameBuf volNameInfo;
+ int result;
+ /* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
+ memset (&alist, 0, sizeof(alist));
+ alist.bitmapcount = 5;
+ alist.reserved = 0;
+ alist.commonattr = 0;
+ alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO | ATTR_VOL_NAME;
+ alist.dirattr = 0;
+ alist.fileattr = 0;
+ alist.forkattr = 0;
+ /* Get the Finder Info */
+ result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &volNameInfo, sizeof(volNameInfo), 0);
+ if (result) {
+ result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
+ goto Err_Exit;
+ }
+ /* Print the name to standard out */
+ printf("%.*s", (int) volNameInfo.name_ref.attr_length, ((char *) &volNameInfo.name_ref) + volNameInfo.name_ref.attr_dataoffset);
+ return result;
/* ******************************************* DoProbe **********************************************
Purpose -
- This routine will open the given raw device and check to make sure there is media that looks
- like an HFS.
+ This routine will open the given device and check to make sure there is media that looks
+ like an HFS. If it is HFS, then print the volume name to standard output.
Input -
- theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
+ rawDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the full path of the raw device (like /dev/rdisk0s2).
+ blockDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the full path of the non-raw device (like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
returns FSUR_RECOGNIZED if we can handle the media else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
-DoProbe(char *deviceNamePtr)
+DoProbe(char *rawDeviceNamePtr, char *blockDeviceNamePtr)
int fd = 0;
char * bufPtr;
HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * mdbPtr;
HFSPlusVolumeHeader * volHdrPtr;
- u_char volnameUTF8[NAME_MAX+1];
+ u_char volnameUTF8[kHFSPlusMaxFileNameBytes];
+ /*
+ * Determine if there is a volume already mounted from this device. If
+ * there is, and it is HFS, then we need to get the volume name via
+ * getattrlist.
+ *
+ * NOTE: We're using bufPtr to hold a pointer to a path.
+ */
+ bufPtr = NULL;
+ result = GetHFSMountPoint(blockDeviceNamePtr, &bufPtr);
+ if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
+ goto Err_Exit;
+ }
+ if (bufPtr != NULL) {
+ /* There is an HFS volume mounted from the device. */
+ result = PrintVolumeNameAttr(bufPtr);
+ goto Err_Exit;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we get here, there is no volume mounted from this device, so
+ * go probe the raw device directly.
+ */
bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
if ( ! bufPtr ) {
mdbPtr = (HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *) bufPtr;
volHdrPtr = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *) bufPtr;
- fd = open( deviceNamePtr, O_RDONLY, 0 );
+ fd = open( rawDeviceNamePtr, O_RDONLY, 0 );
if( fd <= 0 ) {
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
goto Return;
goto Return;
/* get classic HFS volume name (from MDB) */
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
- NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
Boolean cfOK;
CFStringRef cfstr;
CFStringEncoding encoding;
/* Some poorly mastered HFS CDs have an empty MDB name field! */
if (mdbPtr->drVN[0] == '\0') {
- strcpy(&mdbPtr->drVN[1], gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME);
+ strcpy((char *)&mdbPtr->drVN[1], gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME);
mdbPtr->drVN[0] = strlen(gHFS_FS_NAME_NAME);
/* Check for an encoding hint in the Finder Info (field 4). */
- encoding = GET_HFS_TEXT_ENCODING(NXSwapBigLongToHost(mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[4]));
+ encoding = GET_HFS_TEXT_ENCODING(OSSwapBigToHostInt32(mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[4]));
if (encoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId) {
/* Next try the encoding bias in the kernel. */
encoding = GetEncodingBias();
cfstr = CFStringCreateWithPascalString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
mdbPtr->drVN, encoding);
+ if (cfstr == NULL) {
+ result = FSUR_INVAL;
+ goto Return;
+ }
cfOK = _CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(cfstr, volnameUTF8, NAME_MAX);
/* get HFS Plus volume name (from Catalog) */
- } else if ((NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord) ||
- (NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) ||
- (NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
- NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord)) {
+ } else if ((OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord) ||
+ (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) ||
+ (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord)) {
off_t startOffset;
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSSigWord) {
/* embedded volume, first find offset */
result = GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(mdbPtr, &startOffset);
if ( result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS )
if (FSUR_IO_SUCCESS == result) {
- char *s;
- /* Change slashes to colons in the volume name */
- for (s=volnameUTF8; *s; ++s) {
- if (*s == '/')
- *s = ':';
- }
/* Print the volume name to standard output */
- write(1, volnameUTF8, strlen(volnameUTF8));
+ write(1, volnameUTF8, strlen((char *)volnameUTF8));
if (fd > 0)
return result;
} /* DoProbe */
+ * Create a version 3 UUID from a unique "name" in the given "name space".
+ * Version 3 UUID are derived using "name" via MD5 checksum.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * result_uuid - resulting UUID.
+ * namespace - namespace in which given name exists and UUID should be created.
+ * name - unique string used to create version 3 UUID.
+ * namelen - length of the name string.
+ */
+static void
+uuid_create_md5_from_name(uuid_t result_uuid, const uuid_t namespace, const void *name, int namelen)
+ MD5_CTX c;
+ MD5_Init(&c);
+ MD5_Update(&c, namespace, sizeof(uuid_t));
+ MD5_Update(&c, name, namelen);
+ MD5_Final(result_uuid, &c);
+ result_uuid[6] = (result_uuid[6] & 0x0F) | 0x30;
+ result_uuid[8] = (result_uuid[8] & 0x3F) | 0x80;
/* **************************************** DoGetUUIDKey *******************************************
Purpose -
- This routine will open the given block device and return the volume UUID in text form written to stdout.
+ This routine will open the given block device and return the 128-bit volume UUID in text form written to stdout.
Input -
theDeviceNamePtr - pointer to the device name (full path, like /dev/disk0s2).
Output -
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
-DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
+DoGetUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName) {
int result;
- VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
- VolumeUUIDString UUIDString;
- char uuidLine[VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH+2];
- if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, FALSE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Exit;
- ConvertVolumeUUIDToString( &targetVolumeUUID, UUIDString);
- strncpy(uuidLine, UUIDString, VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH+1);
- write(1, uuidLine, strlen(uuidLine));
- result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
+ volUUID_t targetVolumeUUID;
+ uuid_string_t uustr;
+ result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, rawName, &targetVolumeUUID, FALSE);
+ if (result == FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
+ uuid_unparse (targetVolumeUUID.uuid, uustr);
+ /* for compatibility, must write out the string to stdout, with NO newline */
+ write(STDOUT_FILENO, uustr, strlen(uustr));
+ /* for debugging */
+ // fprintf(stderr, "device %s UUID : %s\n", rawName, uustr);
+ }
return result;
static int
DoChangeUUIDKey( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
int result;
- VolumeUUID newVolumeUUID;
+ hfs_UUID_t newVolumeUUID;
- GenerateVolumeUUID(&newVolumeUUID);
+ GenerateHFSVolumeUUID(&newVolumeUUID);
+#if 0
+ // for testing purposes, may want to set a NULL UUID from command line.
+ memset (&newVolumeUUID, 0, sizeof(newVolumeUUID));
result = SetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &newVolumeUUID);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "device %s has new UUID \n", theDeviceNamePtr);
return result;
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
-DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
+DoAdopt( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName) {
int result, closeresult;
- VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
+ volUUID_t targetVolumeUUID;
VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;
- if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
+ if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, rawName, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;
if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
returns FSUR_IO_SUCCESS or else one of the FSUR_xyz error codes.
*************************************************************************************************** */
static int
-DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr ) {
+DoDisown( const char * theDeviceNamePtr, const char *rawName) {
int result, closeresult;
- VolumeUUID targetVolumeUUID;
+ volUUID_t targetVolumeUUID;
VolumeStatusDBHandle vsdbhandle = NULL;
unsigned long targetVolumeStatus;
- if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
+ if ((result = GetVolumeUUID(theDeviceNamePtr, rawName, &targetVolumeUUID, TRUE)) != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) goto Err_Return;
if ((result = OpenVolumeStatusDB(&vsdbhandle)) != 0) goto Err_Exit;
if ((result = GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(vsdbhandle, &targetVolumeUUID, &targetVolumeStatus)) != 0) {
doLengthCheck = 0;
+ index = 0;
+ doLengthCheck = 0;
+ break;
+ index = 0;
+ doLengthCheck = 0;
+ break;
+ index = 0;
+ doLengthCheck = 0;
+ break;
index = 0;
doLengthCheck = 0;
printf(" -%c (Get UUID Key)\n", FSUC_GETUUID);
printf(" -%c (Set UUID Key)\n", FSUC_SETUUID);
printf(" -%c (Adopt permissions)\n", FSUC_ADOPT);
printf(" -%c (Make a file system journaled)\n", FSUC_MKJNL);
printf(" -%c (Turn off journaling on a file system)\n", FSUC_UNJNL);
+ printf(" -%c (Turn off journaling on a raw device)\n", FSUC_UNJNL_RAW);
+ printf(" -%c (Disable use of an external journal on a raw device)\n", FSUC_JNLINFS_RAW);
+ printf(" -%c (Enable the use of an external journal on a raw device)\n", FSUC_EXTJNL_RAW);
printf(" -%c (Get size & location of journaling on a file system)\n", FSUC_JNLINFO);
printf(" device we are acting upon (for example, 'disk0s2')\n");
static int
-ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufPtr, off_t *startOffset, VolumeUUID **finderInfoUUIDPtr)
+ReadHeaderBlock(int fd, void *bufPtr, off_t *startOffset, hfs_UUID_t **finderInfoUUIDPtr)
int result;
HFSMasterDirectoryBlock * mdbPtr;
* If this is a wrapped HFS Plus volume, read the Volume Header from
* sector 2 of the embedded volume.
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
- NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord &&
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drEmbedSigWord) == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
result = GetEmbeddedHFSPlusVol(mdbPtr, startOffset);
if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
goto Err_Exit;
* volumes (including wrapped HFS Plus). Verify the signature and grab the
* UUID from the Finder Info.
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord) {
- *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[6]);
- } else if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord ||
- NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) {
- *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)&volHdrPtr->finderInfo[24];
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(mdbPtr->drSigWord) == kHFSSigWord) {
+ *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (hfs_UUID_t *)(&mdbPtr->drFndrInfo[6]);
+ } else if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord ||
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) {
+ *finderInfoUUIDPtr = (hfs_UUID_t *)&volHdrPtr->finderInfo[24];
} else {
Read the UUID from an unmounted volume, by doing direct access to the device.
Assumes the caller has already determined that a volume is not mounted
- on the device.
+ on the device. Once we have the HFS UUID from the finderinfo, convert it to a
+ full UUID and then write it into the output argument provided (volUUIDPtr)
static int
-GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
+GetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, volUUID_t *volUUIDPtr)
int fd = 0;
char * bufPtr;
off_t startOffset;
- VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
+ hfs_UUID_t *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
+ hfs_UUID_t hfs_uuid;
+ volUUID_t fullUUID;
int result;
+ int error;
bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
if ( ! bufPtr ) {
fd = open( deviceNamePtr, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (fd <= 0) {
+ error = errno;
- fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetVolumeUUIDRaw: device open failed (errno = %d).\n", errno);
+ fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetVolumeUUIDRaw: device (%s) open failed (errno = %d).\n", deviceNamePtr, errno);
- result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
- goto Err_Exit;
+ if (error == EBUSY) {
+ /* If it was busy, then retry, this time using the raw device */
+ fd = open (rawName, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (fd <= 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetVolumeUUIDRaw: device (%s) open failed (errno = %d).\n", rawName, errno);
+ result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
+ goto Err_Exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
+ goto Err_Exit;
+ }
- * Get the pointer to the volume UUID in the Finder Info
- */
+ * Get the pointer to the volume UUID in the Finder Info*/
result = ReadHeaderBlock(fd, bufPtr, &startOffset, &finderInfoUUIDPtr);
if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
goto Err_Exit;
- * Copy the volume UUID out of the Finder Info
+ * Copy the volume UUID out of the Finder Info. Note that the FinderInfo
+ * stores the UUID in big-endian so we have to convert to native
+ * endianness.
- volumeUUIDPtr->v.high = NXSwapBigLongToHost(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high);
- volumeUUIDPtr->v.low = NXSwapBigLongToHost(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low);
+ hfs_uuid.high = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->high);
+ hfs_uuid.low = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(finderInfoUUIDPtr->low);
+ /*
+ * Now convert to a full UUID using the same algorithm as HFS+
+ * This makes sure to construct a full NULL-UUID if necessary.
+ */
+ ConvertHFSUUIDToUUID (&hfs_uuid, &fullUUID);
+ /* Copy it out into the caller's buffer */
+ uuid_copy(volUUIDPtr->uuid, fullUUID.uuid);
if (fd > 0) close(fd);
+void ConvertHFSUUIDStringToUUID(const char *UUIDString, volUUID_t *volumeID) {
+ int i;
+ char c;
+ u_int32_t nextdigit;
+ u_int32_t high = 0;
+ u_int32_t low = 0;
+ u_int32_t carry;
+ hfs_UUID_t hfsuu;
+ for (i = 0; (i < HFSUUIDLENGTH) && ((c = UUIDString[i]) != (char)0) ; ++i) {
+ if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
+ nextdigit = c - '0';
+ } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) {
+ nextdigit = c - 'A' + 10;
+ } else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) {
+ nextdigit = c - 'a' + 10;
+ } else {
+ nextdigit = 0;
+ }
+ carry = ((low & 0xF0000000) >> 28) & 0x0000000F;
+ high = (high << 4) | carry;
+ low = (low << 4) | nextdigit;
+ }
+ hfsuu.high = high;
+ hfsuu.low = low;
+ /* now convert to a full UUID */
+ ConvertHFSUUIDToUUID(&hfsuu, volumeID);
+ return;
+ * Convert an HFS+ UUID in binary form to a full UUID
+ *
+ * Assumes that the HFS UUID argument is stored in native endianness
+ * If the input UUID is zeroes, then it will emit a NULL'd out UUID.
+ */
+void ConvertHFSUUIDToUUID (hfs_UUID_t *hfsuuid, volUUID_t *uu)
+ uint8_t rawUUID[8];
+ /* if either high or low is 0, then return the NULL uuid */
+ if ((hfsuuid->high == 0) || (hfsuuid->low == 0)) {
+ uuid_clear (uu->uuid);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the input UUID was not zeroes, then run it through the normal md5
+ *
+ * NOTE: When using MD5 to compute the "full" UUID, we must pass in the
+ * big-endian values of the two 32-bit fields. In the kernel, HFS uses the
+ * raw 4-byte fields of the finderinfo directly, without running them through
+ * an endian-swap. As a result, we must endian-swap back to big endian here.
+ */
+ ((uint32_t*)rawUUID)[0] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(hfsuuid->high);
+ ((uint32_t*)rawUUID)[1] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(hfsuuid->low);
+ uuid_create_md5_from_name(uu->uuid, kFSUUIDNamespaceSHA1, rawUUID, sizeof(rawUUID));
static int
-SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
+SetVolumeUUIDRaw(const char *deviceNamePtr, hfs_UUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr)
int fd = 0;
char * bufPtr;
off_t startOffset;
- VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
+ hfs_UUID_t *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
int result;
bufPtr = (char *)malloc(HFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
goto Err_Exit;
- * Update the UUID in the Finder Info
+ * Update the UUID in the Finder Info. Make sure to write out big endian.
- finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high = NXSwapHostLongToBig(volumeUUIDPtr->v.high);
- finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low = NXSwapHostLongToBig(volumeUUIDPtr->v.low);
+ finderInfoUUIDPtr->high = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->high);
+ finderInfoUUIDPtr->low = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->low);
* Write the modified MDB or VHB back to disk
Read the UUID from a mounted volume, by calling getattrlist().
- Assumes the path is the mount point of an HFS volume.
+ Assumes the path is the mount point of an HFS volume. Note that this will
+ return the full-length UUID to the caller, as emitted by the underlying
+ filesystem. On HFS+ this means that we use the hfs_vfsops.c implementation
+ to construct the UUID
static int
-GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
+GetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, volUUID_t *volUUIDPtr)
struct attrlist alist;
- struct FinderAttrBuf volFinderInfo;
- VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
+ UUIDAttrBuf_t uuidattr;
+ FinderAttrBuf_t finderinfo;
int result;
- /* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
- alist.bitmapcount = 5;
+ /*
+ * This is a little bit dodgy. In order to detect whether or not the
+ * volume has a valid UUID, we need to call getattrlist() and examine
+ * the FinderInfo, which is what this function has historically done, even if
+ * we ultimately want the full UUID, which is what is returned if one requests
+ *
+ * The reason is that if the UUID does not exist, it will be stored
+ * as 8 bytes of zeroes in the UUID portion of the finder info. However, if
+ * you request ATTR_VOL_UUID, it will run the 8 bytes of zeroes through
+ * the MD5 function, where they will be manipulated into a full UUID. It
+ * doesn't look like that guarantees the resulting UUID will also be a
+ * NULL-uuid (i.e. all zeroes).
+ *
+ * All of this to say we need to check the finder info first, then check
+ * ATTR_VOL_UUID as needed afterwards.
+ */
+ /* First set up for a call to getattrlist for the finderinfo */
+ memset (&alist, 0, sizeof(alist));
+ alist.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
alist.reserved = 0;
alist.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO;
alist.fileattr = 0;
alist.forkattr = 0;
- /* Get the Finder Info */
- result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &volFinderInfo, sizeof(volFinderInfo), 0);
+ /* Get the finderinfo */
+ result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &finderinfo, sizeof(finderinfo), 0);
if (result) {
- result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
- goto Err_Exit;
+ return FSUR_IO_FAIL;
- /* Copy the UUID from the Finder Into to caller's buffer */
- finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&volFinderInfo.finderinfo[6]);
- volumeUUIDPtr->v.high = NXSwapBigLongToHost(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high);
- volumeUUIDPtr->v.low = NXSwapBigLongToHost(finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low);
+ /* Now we need to check if the finderinfo UUID is NULL */
+ hfs_UUID_t* hfs_finderinfo = (hfs_UUID_t*)(&finderinfo.finderinfo[6]);
+ /*
+ * We should really endian-swap these, but if a uint32_t is 0,
+ * the endianness doesn't matter
+ */
+ if ((hfs_finderinfo->high == 0) || (hfs_finderinfo->low == 0)) {
+ /* Then it is an uninitialized/NULL UUID. Zap the caller buffer and bail out */
+ uuid_clear (volUUIDPtr->uuid);
+ }
+ /* OK, now set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's UUID */
+ memset (&alist, 0, sizeof(alist));
+ alist.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
+ alist.reserved = 0;
+ alist.commonattr = 0;
+ alist.volattr = (ATTR_VOL_INFO | ATTR_VOL_UUID);
+ alist.dirattr = 0;
+ alist.fileattr = 0;
+ alist.forkattr = 0;
+ /* Get the full UUID from the kernel */
+ result = getattrlist(path, &alist, &uuidattr, sizeof(uuidattr), 0);
+ if (result) {
+ return FSUR_IO_FAIL;
+ }
+ /* Copy the UUID from the buf to caller's buffer */
+ uuid_copy (volUUIDPtr->uuid, uuidattr.uu);
return result;
static int
-SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr)
+SetVolumeUUIDAttr(const char *path, hfs_UUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr)
struct attrlist alist;
struct FinderAttrBuf volFinderInfo;
- VolumeUUID *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
+ hfs_UUID_t *finderInfoUUIDPtr;
int result;
/* Set up the attrlist structure to get the volume's Finder Info */
- alist.bitmapcount = 5;
+ memset (&alist, 0, sizeof(alist));
+ alist.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT;
alist.reserved = 0;
alist.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO;
alist.volattr = ATTR_VOL_INFO;
goto Err_Exit;
- /* Update the UUID in the Finder Info */
- finderInfoUUIDPtr = (VolumeUUID *)(&volFinderInfo.finderinfo[6]);
- finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.high = NXSwapHostLongToBig(volumeUUIDPtr->v.high);
- finderInfoUUIDPtr->v.low = NXSwapHostLongToBig(volumeUUIDPtr->v.low);
+ /* Update the UUID in the Finder Info. Make sure to swap back to big endian */
+ finderInfoUUIDPtr = (hfs_UUID_t *)(&volFinderInfo.finderinfo[6]);
+ finderInfoUUIDPtr->high = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->high);
+ finderInfoUUIDPtr->low = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(volumeUUIDPtr->low);
/* Write the Finder Info back to the volume */
result = setattrlist(path, &alist, &volFinderInfo.finderinfo, sizeof(volFinderInfo.finderinfo), 0);
static int
-GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr, boolean_t generate)
+GetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, const char *rawName, volUUID_t *voluu, boolean_t generate)
int result;
char *path = NULL;
result = GetHFSMountPoint(deviceNamePtr, &path);
- if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
- goto Err_Exit;
+ if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
+ return result;
+ }
* Get any existing UUID.
- if (path)
- result = GetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, volumeUUIDPtr);
- else
- result = GetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, volumeUUIDPtr);
- if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
- goto Err_Exit;
+ if (path) {
+ result = GetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, voluu);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = GetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, rawName, voluu);
+ }
+ if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS) {
+ return result;
+ }
* If there was no valid UUID, and we were asked to generate one, then
* generate it and write it back to disk.
- if (generate && (volumeUUIDPtr->v.high == 0 || volumeUUIDPtr->v.low == 0)) {
- GenerateVolumeUUID(volumeUUIDPtr);
- if (path)
- result = SetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, volumeUUIDPtr);
- else
- result = SetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, volumeUUIDPtr);
- /* Fall through to Err_Exit */
- }
+ if (generate && (uuid_is_null(voluu->uuid))) {
+ hfs_UUID_t hfsuu;
+ GenerateHFSVolumeUUID(&hfsuu);
+ if (path) {
+ result = SetVolumeUUIDAttr(path, &hfsuu);
+ }
+ else {
+ result = SetVolumeUUIDRaw(deviceNamePtr, &hfsuu);
+ }
+ }
return result;
static int
-SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, VolumeUUID *volumeUUIDPtr) {
+SetVolumeUUID(const char *deviceNamePtr, hfs_UUID_t *volumeUUIDPtr) {
int result;
char *path = NULL;
int result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
u_int32_t allocationBlockSize, firstAllocationBlock, startBlock, blockCount;
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drSigWord) != kHFSSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drSigWord) != kHFSSigWord) {
goto Return;
- allocationBlockSize = NXSwapBigLongToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlkSiz);
- firstAllocationBlock = NXSwapBigShortToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlSt);
+ allocationBlockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlkSiz);
+ firstAllocationBlock = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drAlBlSt);
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedSigWord) != kHFSPlusSigWord) {
goto Return;
- startBlock = NXSwapBigShortToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.startBlock);
- blockCount = NXSwapBigShortToHost(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.blockCount);
+ startBlock = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.startBlock);
+ blockCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(hfsMasterDirectoryBlockPtr->drEmbedExtent.blockCount);
if ( startOffsetPtr )
*startOffsetPtr = ((u_int64_t)startBlock * (u_int64_t)allocationBlockSize) +
static int
-GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, char * name_o)
+GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt(int fd, off_t hfsPlusVolumeOffset, unsigned char * name_o)
int result = FSUR_IO_SUCCESS;
u_int32_t blockSize;
/* Verify that it is an HFS+ volume. */
- if (NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSPlusSigWord &&
- NXSwapBigShortToHost(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSXSigWord) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSPlusSigWord &&
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(volHdrPtr->signature) != kHFSXSigWord) {
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt: volHdrPtr->signature != kHFSPlusSigWord\n");
goto Return;
- blockSize = NXSwapBigLongToHost(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
+ blockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
catalogExtents = (HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *) malloc(sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
if ( ! catalogExtents ) {
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
catalogExtCount = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
/* if there are overflow catalog extents, then go get them */
- if (NXSwapBigLongToHost(catalogExtents[7].blockCount) != 0) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(catalogExtents[7].blockCount) != 0) {
result = GetCatalogOverflowExtents(fd, hfsPlusVolumeOffset, volHdrPtr, &catalogExtents, &catalogExtCount);
if (result != FSUR_IO_SUCCESS)
goto Return;
HFSPlusCatalogKey * k;
CFStringRef cfstr;
- if ( bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords < 1) {
+ if ( OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords) < 1) {
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords < 1\n");
// Get a pointer to the first record.
- p = bufPtr + NXSwapBigShortToHost(*v); // pointer arithmetic in bytes
+ p = bufPtr + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*v); // pointer arithmetic in bytes
k = (HFSPlusCatalogKey *)p;
// There should be only one record whose parent is the root parent. It should be the first record.
- if (NXSwapBigLongToHost(k->parentID) != kHFSRootParentID) {
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(k->parentID) != kHFSRootParentID) {
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: k->parentID != kHFSRootParentID\n");
goto Return;
+ if ((OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.length) >
+ (sizeof(k->nodeName.unicode) / sizeof(k->nodeName.unicode[0]))) ||
+ OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.length) > 255) {
+ result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
+ fprintf(stderr, "hfs.util: ERROR: k->nodeName.length is a bad size (%d)\n", OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.length));
+ goto Return;
+ }
/* Extract the name of the root directory */
result = FSUR_IO_FAIL;
goto Return;
- swapped->length = NXSwapBigShortToHost(k->nodeName.length);
+ swapped->length = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.length);
for (i=0; i<swapped->length; i++) {
- swapped->unicode[i] = NXSwapBigShortToHost(k->nodeName.unicode[i]);
+ swapped->unicode[i] = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->nodeName.unicode[i]);
swapped->unicode[i] = 0;
cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, swapped->unicode, swapped->length);
- (void) CFStringGetCString(cfstr, name_o, NAME_MAX, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+ (void) CFStringGetCString(cfstr, (char *)name_o, NAME_MAX * 3 + 1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
} /* GetNameFromHFSPlusVolumeStartingAt */
-#pragma options align=mac68k
typedef struct {
BTNodeDescriptor node;
BTHeaderRec header;
-} HeaderRec, *HeaderPtr;
-#pragma options align=reset
+} __attribute__((aligned(2), packed)) HeaderRec, *HeaderPtr;
goto free;
- *nodeSize = NXSwapBigShortToHost(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.nodeSize);
+ *nodeSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.nodeSize);
- if (NXSwapBigLongToHost(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.leafRecords) == 0)
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.leafRecords) == 0)
*firstLeafNode = 0;
- *firstLeafNode = NXSwapBigLongToHost(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.firstLeafNode);
+ *firstLeafNode = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeHeaderPtr->header.firstLeafNode);
free((char*) bTreeHeaderPtr);
u_int32_t *catalogExtCount)
off_t offset;
+ u_int32_t numRecords;
u_int32_t nodeSize;
u_int32_t leafNode;
u_int32_t blockSize;
HFSPlusExtentDescriptor * extents;
size_t listsize;
char * bufPtr = NULL;
- int i;
+ uint32_t i;
int result;
- blockSize = NXSwapBigLongToHost(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
+ blockSize = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->blockSize);
listsize = *catalogExtCount * sizeof(HFSPlusExtentDescriptor);
extents = *catalogExtents;
- offset = (off_t)volHdrPtr->extentsFile.extents[0].startBlock *
+ offset = (off_t)OSSwapBigToHostInt32(volHdrPtr->extentsFile.extents[0].startBlock) *
/* Read the header node of the extents B-Tree */
goto Return;
- for (i = 1; i <= bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords; ++i) {
+ numRecords = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->numRecords);
+ for (i = 1; i <= numRecords; ++i) {
u_int16_t * v;
char * p;
HFSPlusExtentKey * k;
/* Get a pointer to the record */
- p = bufPtr + NXSwapBigShortToHost(*v); /* pointer arithmetic in bytes */
+ p = bufPtr + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*v); /* pointer arithmetic in bytes */
k = (HFSPlusExtentKey *)p;
- if (NXSwapBigLongToHost(k->fileID) != kHFSCatalogFileID)
+ if (OSSwapBigToHostInt32(k->fileID) != kHFSCatalogFileID)
goto Return;
/* grow list and copy additional extents */
listsize += sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
extents = (HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *) realloc(extents, listsize);
- bcopy(p + NXSwapBigShortToHost(k->keyLength) + sizeof(u_int16_t),
+ bcopy(p + OSSwapBigToHostInt16(k->keyLength) + sizeof(u_int16_t),
&extents[*catalogExtCount], sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
*catalogExtCount += kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
*catalogExtents = extents;
- if ((leafNode = bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->fLink) != 0) {
+ if ((leafNode = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bTreeNodeDescriptorPtr->fLink)) != 0) {
offset = (off_t) leafNode * (off_t) nodeSize;
/* Find the extent containing logicalBlock */
for (extent = 0; extent < extentCount; ++extent)
- blockCount = NXSwapBigLongToHost(extentList[extent].blockCount);
+ blockCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(extentList[extent].blockCount);
if (blockCount == 0)
return FSUR_IO_FAIL; /* Tried to map past physical end of file */
/* Compute the physical starting position */
- temp = NXSwapBigLongToHost(extentList[extent].startBlock) + logicalBlock; /* First physical block */
+ temp = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(extentList[extent].startBlock) + logicalBlock; /* First physical block */
temp *= blockSize; /* Byte offset of first physical block */
*physicalOffset = temp + offset;
/* Database layout: */
-struct VSDBKey {
+typedef struct VSDBKey {
char uuid[16];
+} VSDBKey_t;
+typedef struct VSDBKeyUUID {
+ uuid_string_t uuid_string;
struct VSDBRecord {
char statusFlags[8];
-struct VSDBEntry {
- struct VSDBKey key;
+/* A VSDB Entry using a uuid_str (36 byte) instead of HFS UUID string (8 byte) */
+typedef struct VSDBEntryUUID {
+ VSDBKeyUUID_t key;
char keySeparator;
char space;
struct VSDBRecord record;
char terminator;
+} VSDBEntryUUID_t;
+/* a VSDB entry using the HFS UUID */
+typedef struct VSDBEntryHFS {
+ VSDBKey_t key;
+ char keySeparator;
+ char space;
+ struct VSDBRecord record;
+ char terminator;
+} VSDBEntryHFS_t;
#define DBBLANKSPACE ' '
static int LockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, int lockmode);
static int UnlockDB(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr);
-static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry, unsigned long options);
-static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
-static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
-static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
-static int CompareVSDBKeys(struct VSDBKey *key1, struct VSDBKey *key2);
+static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, volUUID_t *volumeID, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry, unsigned long options);
+static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry);
+static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry);
+static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry);
+static int CompareVSDBKeys(VSDBKeyUUID_t *key1, VSDBKeyUUID_t *key2);
static void FormatULong(unsigned long u, char *s);
-static void FormatUUID(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDField);
-static void FormatDBKey(VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBKey *dbkey);
+static void FormatDBKey(volUUID_t *volumeID, VSDBKeyUUID_t *dbkey);
static void FormatDBRecord(unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBRecord *dbrecord);
-static void FormatDBEntry(VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry);
+static void FormatDBEntry(volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry);
static unsigned long ConvertHexStringToULong(const char *hs, long maxdigits);
-void GenerateVolumeUUID(VolumeUUID *newVolumeID) {
+void GenerateHFSVolumeUUID(hfs_UUID_t *newuuid) {
SHA_CTX context;
char randomInputBuffer[26];
unsigned char digest[20];
size_t datalen;
double sysloadavg[3];
struct vmtotal sysvmtotal;
+ hfs_UUID_t hfsuuid;
+ memset (&hfsuuid, 0, sizeof(hfsuuid));
do {
/* Initialize the SHA-1 context for processing: */
/* Pad the accumulated input and extract the final digest hash: */
SHA1_Final(digest, &context);
- memcpy(newVolumeID, digest, sizeof(*newVolumeID));
- } while ((newVolumeID->v.high == 0) || (newVolumeID->v.low == 0));
-void ConvertVolumeUUIDStringToUUID(const char *UUIDString, VolumeUUID *volumeID) {
- int i;
- char c;
- unsigned long nextdigit;
- unsigned long high = 0;
- unsigned long low = 0;
- unsigned long carry;
- for (i = 0; (i < VOLUMEUUIDLENGTH) && ((c = UUIDString[i]) != (char)0) ; ++i) {
- if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
- nextdigit = c - '0';
- } else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) {
- nextdigit = c - 'A' + 10;
- } else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) {
- nextdigit = c - 'a' + 10;
- } else {
- nextdigit = 0;
- }
- carry = ((low & 0xF0000000) >> 28) & 0x0000000F;
- high = (high << 4) | carry;
- low = (low << 4) | nextdigit;
- }
- volumeID->v.high = high;
- volumeID->v.low = low;
+ memcpy(&hfsuuid, digest, sizeof(hfsuuid));
+ } while ((hfsuuid.high == 0) || (hfsuuid.low == 0));
+ /* now copy out the hfs uuid */
+ memcpy (newuuid, &hfsuuid, sizeof (hfsuuid));
-void ConvertVolumeUUIDToString(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDString) {
- FormatUUID(volumeID, UUIDString);
- *(UUIDString+16) = (char)0; /* Append a terminating null character */
+ return;
int OpenVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle *DBHandlePtr) {
VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr;
dbstateptr->dbmode = O_RDONLY;
dbstateptr->dbfile = open(gVSDBPath, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
if (dbstateptr->dbfile == -1) {
- return errno;
+ errno_t local_errno = errno;
+ free(dbstateptr);
+ return local_errno;
dbstateptr->signature = DBHANDLESIGNATURE;
*DBHandlePtr = (VolumeStatusDBHandle)dbstateptr;
+ /* VSDBUtil converts the status DB, so we do it here, too */
+ ConvertVolumeStatusDB(*DBHandlePtr);
return 0;
+/* Convert the volume status DB from 64-bit (HFS-style) entries into full UUIDs */
+int ConvertVolumeStatusDB(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle) {
+ VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
+ struct VSDBEntryHFS entry64;
+ struct stat dbinfo;
+ int result;
+ u_int32_t iobuffersize;
+ void *iobuffer = NULL;
+ int i;
+ if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;
+ if ((result = LockDB(dbstateptr, LOCK_EX)) != 0) return result;
+ /*
+ * This function locks the database file then tries to read in
+ * the size of a old-style HFS UUID database entry. If what it finds
+ * is a well-formatted HFS entry, then it will convert the entire database.
+ * If it finds that the file isn't long enough or isn't actually the
+ * format for the 64-bit UUID struct on-disk, then it will bail out and not
+ * touch it. Otherwise it will read the whole file and convert it
+ *
+ * In practice this means that if the file is empty or if we have already
+ * converted it then do nothing.
+ */
+ lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ result = read(dbstateptr->dbfile, &entry64, sizeof(entry64));
+ if ((result != sizeof(entry64)) ||
+ (entry64.keySeparator != DBKEYSEPARATOR) ||
+ (entry64.space != DBBLANKSPACE) ||
+ (entry64.terminator != DBRECORDTERMINATOR)) {
+ result = 0;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ } else {
+ /* Read in a giant buffer */
+ if ((result = stat(gVSDBPath, &dbinfo)) != 0) goto ErrExit;
+ iobuffersize = dbinfo.st_size;
+ iobuffer = malloc(iobuffersize);
+ if (iobuffer == NULL) {
+ result = ENOMEM;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ };
+ lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ result = read(dbstateptr->dbfile, iobuffer, iobuffersize);
+ if (result != iobuffersize) {
+ result = errno;
+ goto ErrExit;
+ };
+ if ((result = ftruncate(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0)) != 0) {
+ goto ErrExit;
+ };
+ for (i = 0; i < iobuffersize / sizeof(entry64); i++) {
+ volUUID_t volumeID;
+ u_int32_t VolumeStatus;
+ struct VSDBEntryUUID dbentry;
+ /*
+ * now iterate through the contents of the 64-bit entries in RAM
+ * and write them on top of the existing database file
+ */
+ entry64 = *(((struct VSDBEntryHFS *)iobuffer) + i);
+ if ((entry64.keySeparator != DBKEYSEPARATOR) ||
+ (entry64.space != DBBLANKSPACE) ||
+ (entry64.terminator != DBRECORDTERMINATOR)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ConvertHFSUUIDToUUID(entry64.key.uuid, &volumeID);
+ VolumeStatus = ConvertHexStringToULong(entry64.record.statusFlags, sizeof(entry64.record.statusFlags));
+ FormatDBEntry(&volumeID, VolumeStatus, &dbentry);
+ if ((result = AddVolumeRecord(dbstateptr, &dbentry)) != sizeof(dbentry)) {
+ warnx("couldn't convert volume status database: %s", strerror(result));
+ goto ErrExit;
+ };
+ };
+ fsync(dbstateptr->dbfile);
+ result = 0;
+ };
+ if (iobuffer) free(iobuffer);
+ UnlockDB(dbstateptr);
+ return result;
-int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus) {
+int GetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long *VolumeStatus) {
VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
- struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
+ struct VSDBEntryUUID dbentry;
int result;
if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;
-int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus) {
+int SetVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long VolumeStatus) {
VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
- struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
+ struct VSDBEntryUUID dbentry;
int result;
if (dbstateptr->signature != DBHANDLESIGNATURE) return EINVAL;
-int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, VolumeUUID *volumeID) {
+int DeleteVolumeStatusDBEntry(VolumeStatusDBHandle DBHandle, volUUID_t *volumeID) {
VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr = (VSDBStatePtr)DBHandle;
struct stat dbinfo;
int result;
fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: Found record with matching volume UUID...\n");
if ((result = stat(gVSDBPath, &dbinfo)) != 0) goto ErrExit;
- if ((dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)) <= MAXIOMALLOC) {
- iobuffersize = dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntry);
+ if ((dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID)) <= MAXIOMALLOC) {
+ iobuffersize = dbinfo.st_size - dbstateptr->recordPosition - sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID);
} else {
iobuffersize = MAXIOMALLOC;
goto ErrExit;
- dataoffset = dbstateptr->recordPosition + sizeof(struct VSDBEntry);
+ dataoffset = dbstateptr->recordPosition + sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID);
do {
iotransfersize = dbinfo.st_size - dataoffset;
if (iotransfersize > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: writing 0x%08lx bytes starting at 0x%08lx ...\n", iotransfersize, (unsigned long)(dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: writing 0x%08lx bytes starting at 0x%08lx ...\n", iotransfersize, (unsigned long)(dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID)));
- lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntry), SEEK_SET);
+ lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dataoffset - (off_t)sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID), SEEK_SET);
bytestransferred = write(dbstateptr->dbfile, iobuffer, iotransfersize);
if (bytestransferred != iotransfersize) {
result = errno;
} while (iotransfersize > 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: truncating database file to 0x%08lx bytes.\n", (unsigned long)(dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntry))));
+ fprintf(stderr, "DeleteLocalVolumeUUID: truncating database file to 0x%08lx bytes.\n", (unsigned long)(dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID))));
- if ((result = ftruncate(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntry)))) != 0) {
+ if ((result = ftruncate(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbinfo.st_size - (off_t)(sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID)))) != 0) {
goto ErrExit;
-static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBEntry *targetEntry, unsigned long options) {
- struct VSDBKey searchkey;
- struct VSDBEntry dbentry;
+static int FindVolumeRecordByUUID(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, volUUID_t *volumeID,
+ VSDBEntryUUID_t *targetEntry, unsigned long options) {
+ VSDBKeyUUID_t searchkey;
+ struct VSDBEntryUUID dbentry;
int result;
FormatDBKey(volumeID, &searchkey);
-static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr , struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
- VolumeUUIDString id;
- strncpy(id, dbentry->key.uuid, sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid));
- id[sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid)] = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "AddVolumeRecord: Adding record for UUID #%s...\n", id);
+static int AddVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry) {
lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_END);
- return write(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbentry, sizeof(struct VSDBEntry));
+ return write(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbentry, sizeof(struct VSDBEntryUUID));
-static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
- VolumeUUIDString id;
- strncpy(id, dbentry->key.uuid, sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid));
- id[sizeof(dbentry->key.uuid)] = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "UpdateVolumeRecord: Updating record for UUID #%s at offset 0x%08lx in database...\n", id, (unsigned long)dbstateptr->recordPosition);
+static int UpdateVolumeRecord(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry) {
lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbstateptr->recordPosition, SEEK_SET);
- fprintf(stderr, "UpdateVolumeRecord: Writing %d. bytes...\n", sizeof(*dbentry));
return write(dbstateptr->dbfile, dbentry, sizeof(*dbentry));
-static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
- struct VSDBEntry entry;
+static int GetVSDBEntry(VSDBStatePtr dbstateptr, VSDBEntryUUID_t *dbentry) {
+ struct VSDBEntryUUID entry;
int result;
- VolumeUUIDString id;
dbstateptr->recordPosition = lseek(dbstateptr->dbfile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
-#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
- fprintf(stderr, "GetVSDBEntry: starting reading record at offset 0x%08lx...\n", (unsigned long)dbstateptr->recordPosition);
result = read(dbstateptr->dbfile, &entry, sizeof(entry));
if ((result != sizeof(entry)) ||
(entry.keySeparator != DBKEYSEPARATOR) ||
return -1;
- strncpy(id, entry.key.uuid, sizeof(entry.key.uuid));
- id[sizeof(entry.key.uuid)] = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "GetVSDBEntry: returning entry for UUID #%s...\n", id);
memcpy(dbentry, &entry, sizeof(*dbentry));
return 0;
-static int CompareVSDBKeys(struct VSDBKey *key1, struct VSDBKey *key2) {
-#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
- VolumeUUIDString id;
- strncpy(id, key1->uuid, sizeof(key1->uuid));
- id[sizeof(key1->uuid)] = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "CompareVSDBKeys: comparing #%s to ", id);
- strncpy(id, key2->uuid, sizeof(key2->uuid));
- id[sizeof(key2->uuid)] = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d.)...\n", id, sizeof(key1->uuid));
+static int CompareVSDBKeys(VSDBKeyUUID_t *key1, VSDBKeyUUID_t *key2) {
- return memcmp(key1->uuid, key2->uuid, sizeof(key1->uuid));
+ return strcmp(key1->uuid_string, key2->uuid_string);
+static void FormatDBKey(volUUID_t *volumeID, VSDBKeyUUID_t *dbkey) {
+ uuid_string_t uuid_str;
-static void FormatUUID(VolumeUUID *volumeID, char *UUIDField) {
- FormatULong(volumeID->v.high, UUIDField);
- FormatULong(volumeID->v.low, UUIDField+8);
-static void FormatDBKey(VolumeUUID *volumeID, struct VSDBKey *dbkey) {
- FormatUUID(volumeID, dbkey->uuid);
+ uuid_unparse (volumeID->uuid, uuid_str);
+ memcpy (dbkey->uuid_string, uuid_str, sizeof (uuid_str));
-static void FormatDBEntry(VolumeUUID *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBEntry *dbentry) {
+static void FormatDBEntry(volUUID_t *volumeID, unsigned long volumeStatusFlags, struct VSDBEntryUUID *dbentry) {
FormatDBKey(volumeID, &dbentry->key);
dbentry->keySeparator = DBKEYSEPARATOR;
dbentry->space = DBBLANKSPACE;
FormatDBRecord(volumeStatusFlags, &dbentry->record);
-#if 0 // DEBUG_TRACE
- dbentry->terminator = (char)0;
- fprintf(stderr, "FormatDBEntry: '%s' (%d.)\n", dbentry, sizeof(*dbentry));
dbentry->terminator = DBRECORDTERMINATOR;